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HOOKED ON EAST TEXAS: Summertime Crappie Fishing

We headed out to Lake Tyler for this week's Hooked On East Texas and asked the angler who runs a popular YouTube Fishing channel to show us the ropes.

TYLER, Texas — It's officially summer but before the summer heat settles in there is still time to find and catch some keep crappie. 

It's hard to find a better tasting fish than crappie and what is better than a fish fry?

We headed out to Lake Tyler for this week's Hooked On East Texas and asked the angler who runs a popular YouTube Fishing channel to show us the ropes of post-spawn Crappie fishing. 

Caleb Hensley runs 903 Fishing a YouTube channel with 94,000 subscribers and more than 25,000 followers on Facebook. 

Viewers watch Hensley for tips and tricks on locating and catching crappie. Hensley took us to a brush pile that is near a cove on Lake Tyler. Hensley said when the crappie leave their spawning areas they will often stop at the first place they find that offers cover and protection as they heal up from spawning.

The brush and trees at the bottom of the lake also collect bait fish. Crappie will wait around these areas to ambush those minnows and shad. It's a buffet for them as crappie fatten back up in anticipation of the hot summer months. 

“They are hungry right now. They've been spawning the past couple of months and the post spawn bite is some of the best crappie fishing that you can get”, Hensley said. 

Some anglers prefer bright colored, soft plastic lures but Hensley says this time of year your bait should match the hatch. Lots of bait fish babies are swimming around the brush piles so Hensley prefers a bait that mirrors the minnows. 

Hensley also recommends threading your minnow on the hook because bluegill are also hungry and will go after your bait. But you should be cautious, if you hook your minnow through the bottom lip bluegill will have an easier time stealing your bait and getting away without being caught. 

The water temperature is quickly warming and with more heat on the way this weekend now may be the best time to fill a cooler with crappie. 

“Now is the time to fish as the bite gets into late July into August. That's when it can be a little tougher. more finicky," Hensley said.

One more reminder about summer fishing. Head out early to avoid the hottest part of the day. Wear sunscreen and make sure to stay hydrated.


RELATED: HOOKED ON EAST TEXAS: Cast for Kids to be held at Lake Gladewater

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