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Spring Hill ISD prepares for extreme heat ahead of kickoff game

Several staff members at Spring Hill ISD and Christus EMS are making adjustments for everyone's safety at games this football season.

LONGVIEW, Texas — Students and staff are preparing for the extreme heat as East Texas High School football returns this week.

Several staff members at Spring Hill ISD are making adjustments so students are safe at the games.

"Number one we provide at least two bottles of water per game, especially when it’s over 100 degrees," said Michael Moody, Spring Hill Band Director.

Parents are lending a hand to organizations by providing water.

"I’m very lucky that I have great moms, and they bring a cooler full of water and ice," said Breann Dees, Spring Hill High School Varsity Cheer Coach.

Spring Hill Athletic Director Shawn Copeland said football players will be hydrated throughout the game.

"Just keeping our players hydrated, I know we have a plan to rehydrate them at halftime even with some snacks and fruit," Copeland said.

In addition to providing plenty of refreshments to students, the marching band will forego their uniforms for thinner T-shirts, and the Panther mascot will make limited appearances.

Christus regional manager Brian Wilkinson said family and friends who attend the game in the hot bleachers will also be looked after.

"Yeah, we’re there for both. We’re there for the guys on the field as well as the fans," Wilkinson said. "So, we might see a heat related injury on the sidelines, or with an official, or we may have like you say grandmother having issues with the heat in the stands. So we really emphasis to hydrate."

Wilkinson has worked for Christus EMS for many years, and he has experience working under the Friday night lights. So he knows what heat stroke warning signs are.

"Dizziness, and you know nauseated, just getting overall weak are signs. You quit sweating after you’re sweating for an extended amount of time and you’re not putting those fluids in your body," Wilkinson said.

Spring Hill takes on Sabine tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at Sabine High School.

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