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Uvalde couple share granddaughter's traumatic story at Robb Elementary

Cynthia & Gilbert Lara said their granddaughter is scared to go back to school. Especially after watching her classroom doorknob move during the shooting.

UVALDE, Texas — Last Tuesday, 21 lives were taken in Uvalde, TX. A few days later a memorial was formed at the town’s square where each cross has the name of every single victim.

Just moments before the tragic shooting, the school held an assembly to honor students’ end of year accomplishments. Uvalde residents Cynthia & Gilbert Lara share how that day became traumatic for their entire family.

"My son and my daughter in law were there that day," Cynthia Lara said. "They had just left the school when everything unfolded."

An assembly where some parent's didn't know it would be the last time saying goodbye to their child. 

"My own granddaughter goes to Robb school, and I praise god that because of the quick thinking of her teacher she's still alive today," Cynthia Lara said. "Had it not been for her teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, I think my Val might've been gone."

After being reunited their granddaughter told them the details of that awful day. 

"I spoke to my granddaughter later that night, she said that the person came and tried to open the door," Gilbert Lara said. "Because he couldn't open the door he went to the next door across. What got her out was the police who broke the windows, and pulled her out."

Although they are grateful for their granddaughter’s safety, the Lara's have a message for suffering families. 

"Just keep sticking together, continue to pray for one another, and help each other," Cynthia Lara said. "Reach out to somebody if you need something. There's nothing wrong with asking and I think either that person most likely, if they're from Uvalde, they're going to say no. But if you can't help at that time, for some reason or the other, I'm sure there's somebody else that can help you."

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