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PAXTON IMPEACHMENT: How East Texas Representatives voted

Some of those representatives represent the East Texas area and they share their reasons for their voting decision.

TEXAS, USA — Editor's Note: Video aired on our sister station KENS5 in San Antonio. 

The Texas House of Representatives voted to impeach the state's attorney general Ken Paxton Saturday in Austin. Paxton was impeached with a vote of 121-23. 

Some of those representatives represent the East Texas area: Keith Bell, Cole Hefner, Jay Dean, Cody Harris, Matt Schaefer, Brian Harrison, and Travis Clardy. 

Here's a list of each East Texas House of Representatives and their vote:


  • Keith Bell (R-DIST. 4, HENDERSON COUNTY)
  • Cody Harris (R-DIST. 8, ANDERSON COUNTY)



  • Matt Schaefer (R-DIST. 6, SMITH COUNTY)
  • Brian Harrison (R-DIST. 10, HENDERSON COUNTY)

Some representatives released statements about their decisions regarding the impeachment of Paxton.

Rep. Keith Bell's Statement:

"It brought me no pleasure today in taking the vote for Articles of Impeachment of General Ken Paxton...The electorate no longer respects elected officials and unfortunately politicians have earned it! It is a statesman however, that will do the right thing regardless of the risk to the next election or their position."

Rep. Jay Dean Statement: 

"The questions before the Texas House today was not: is Mr. Paxton guilty? Today was not a criminal proceeding. The purpose of today was not to punish Mr. Paxton. The purpose was to protect the State - to protect the public. The purpose was the determine whether the details, if true, would justify removal from office. The question is not a political one for me. The question is whether to advance this to the Senate... I am confident the Senate will hold a fair trial and that the truth will prevail."

Rep. Cody Harris's Statement:

"Ken Paxton has been great at fighting against the federal government in his role as Attorney General of Texas. However, when presented with the evidence of 20 counts of corruption, bribery, and dereliction of duty, the people of Texas deserve to know the full truth. The allegations against Attorney General Paxton are grave and cannot be overlooked simply because he is popular or a like-minded conservative. They instead must be completely investigated in an open trial. I voted to impeach because I believe there is enough evidence to warrant the trial in the Senate where all facts and witnesses will be presented and examined. I know my vote is unpopular with many. But when presented with difficult political decisions like these, I choose integrity and honor over political expediency...May truth and justice prevail and may God continue to bless the great State of Texas."

Rep. Matt Schaefer's Statement:

"I have grave concerns with the process that has been used in the impeachment investigation of Attorney General Ken Paxton...To be clear, the full Texas House has not heard any testimony from witnesses, nor have we been provided transcripts of such testimony. I am deeply disturbed by the way this is being handled. Political considerations seem to be involved...I publicly opposed Ken Paxton’s re-election in the Republican primary, and I called out his very serious moral and legal failings. But if it is right to impeach Ken Paxton, it is being done in the wrong way. I will vote no because I do not have confidence in the procedure. I cannot vote to impeach when the members of the full House have had no direct access to witnesses or supporting documents, and have had no time to properly prepare and understand the matters in question."

Rep. Brian Harrison's Statement:

"I rise today in opposition to this resolution with a heavy heart- not just because of the seriousness of the allegations- and they are serious- but because of the "process"- if it can be called- which led us here...I am opposed to this resolution. Not because I am convinced of his innocence, but because the leadership of this body made no legitimate attempt to adequately document his guilt nor to demonstrate to my satisfaction that this is anything other than a sham railroading of a political enemy."

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