NEW SUMMERFIELD, Texas — Due to the high number of students absent with confirmed flu and other illnesses, New Summerfield Independent School District will be closed Thursday and Friday.
NSISD also says there will be no ACE classes Wednesday afternoon.
The district says parents may pick up their children early today if they choose.
According to the superintendent of the one-campus district, roughly 25 percent of students were absent on Wednesday (about 130 students.)
Administration started noticing absentee number be low on Monday and it grew on Tuesday
The superintendent also noted the illnesses are a combination of confirmed cases of flu, strep and some cases of high fever.
As of now, the district is keeping parents informed through news networks, automated phone system, and through social media accounts.
Along with the students, teachers out as well for the remainder of the week.
The district has some built-in extra instructional minutes to not interfere with TEA requirements, but the superintendent said they will have to look at the calendar and see about adjusting some of the early release days due to the school closure this week.
Classes will resume Monday, February, 4.
New Summerfield's Youth Basketball League has also canceled practices and games for the remainder of the week.