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Local healthcare workers feeling the effect of the pandemic

Two years into the pandemic, the ups and downs are taking a toll on physicians and nurses.

SMITH COUNTY, Texas — A recent decline in COVID-19 numbers has local nurses and doctors feeling "cautiously optimistic." 

"I think all of us are bracing for another wave," said Dr. Tom Cummins, Chief Medical Officer with UT Health East Texas. 

After more than two years in a pandemic, it's hard to remember life before COVID-19. And although cases have started to decrease, the health care community continues to be on guard.

"Like other waves of the pandemic, it sort of eventually burns out after it hits enough hosts." said Dr. Cummins.

The constant number crunching and caretaking could be taking a toll on nurses and doctors as Dr. Cummins says some people are walking away from their healthcare jobs.

“The profession is hard enough without COVI," said Dr. Cummins. "It’s a very hard job as a physician as a nurse as a respiratory nurse etc. COVID has just exponentially increased the level of difficulty of it."

Dr. Cummins mentioned some of that stress and burnout can be linked to low vaccination rates across East Texas.

“So much of it being preventable makes it frustrating for the responsible folks ho have made the effort to not get the disease or spread it," said Dr. Cummins.

But Dr. Cummins would like to remind everyone the art of self-care can do wonders.

"Taking time out for yourself when you're not at work, trying to control your hours and finding things outside of work to help you relax," said Dr. Cummins.

As cases continue to fall, future spikes are possible with events like spring break approaching.

Healthcare leaders continue to stress that prevention comes from all of us taking responsibility when it comes to battling this virus.

RELATED: Yes, there were more COVID-19 deaths in two weeks in January than flu deaths in the past three years

RELATED: Smith County's active cases decline for the first time this year

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