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Weekend event organizers plan ahead of severe weather in East Texas

It’s a big weekend full of events here in East Texas, but as our meteorologist Brett Anthony said the area is expecting potentially severe weather Saturday.

JACKSONVILLE, Texas — The set up for the Tomato Festival has already started in Jacksonville and Duane Weatherford, co-chair of the festival, said rain or shine the festival will continue.

"Just bring something to prepare for the weather but we're anticipating a good turnout," Weatherford said.

Over 350 vendors are booked for the 39th annual Tomato Festival.

Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce President Peggy Renfro said a lot of the activities will take place under an overpass if it does rain during the festival.

"In addition to, we do have the businesses downtown, they do have awnings. So that's a protection as well but bring an umbrella," Renfro said.

And from 7 to 11 p.m.  Saturday, there will be a free concert in the Jacksonville Chili’s parking lot.

Kyle Moore, president of the Gladewater Rodeo, said they will be monitoring the storms Saturday night. 

"If lightning is within about 10 miles of the facility, we will shut down and everybody will take cover getting in the appropriate places. We don't want any of the livestock or anyone here that's visiting for a good time to be injured," Moore said.

He said they’ll start right back up once the weather is clear. 

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