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Tyler Public Library seeking 'Book Buddy' volunteers

The Tyler Public Library is currently seeking Book Buddy Volunteers. Volunteers must be passionate about books, children and early literacy. If this sounds like you, please contact Linda Gray at the Tyler Public Library by calling (903) 593-7323 or emailing programs@tylertexas.com

TYLER, Texas - Are you passionate about reading and want to change lives? If so, the Tyler Public Library could use your help.

According to a press release, there are almost 1,000 preschoolers in Tyler with a Book Buddy.

These Book Buddies read with students once a week throughout the school year. As the program continues and expands, the Library is in need of new volunteers for this essential program.

"I think any visits for this readings is a beneficial thing to these children, one of the things I put in the job description I send people if they're interested in it, is that very often you get paid in hugs, which is pretty fantastic." says Linda Gray, youth services librarian

"I look forward to it all week, I get their early and the children are all excited and they see me come through the door," says Alicia Armstrong, Book Buddy volunteer

Volunteers must be passionate about books, children and early literacy. Library Staff will help find appropriate books and guide volunteers to sources for rhymes or short songs to share with their book buddy. In addition, volunteers work with staff at local Head Start programs to coordinate visits with students.

Following training, Book Buddies will read with one or more classes each week, for a total of one to three volunteer hours per week. The Library does require a nine-month commitment from volunteers.

Does this sound like you? If so, please contact Linda Gray at the Tyler Public Library by calling (903) 593-7323 or by emailing programs@tylertexas.com. The Library is located at 201 S. College Avenue in Downtown Tyler, and can be found on the web at TylerLibrary.com

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