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Tyler ISD Boshears School graduates look forward to next chapter in life

The Tyler ISD program focuses on taking extra steps and measures to educate their students with special needs.

TYLER, Texas — On Monday, a Tyler ISD program that focuses on educating students with special needs celebrated the class of 2023. Three students marked their milestone accomplishments by graduating from the Wayne D. Boshears Center for Exceptional Programs School. 

For the parents of Braxton Green, it’s more than a celebration -- it's an emotional journey watching their son's long road to graduation. 

"We're so proud of him and he does what he can," said Braxton's father, Chris Green. "He's nonverbal but you can tell today he’s clapping and he was happy too. He understands what's going on."

Chris Green said his son started in public school and then moved into the program in 2013. His parents said thanks to transition they’ve never seen him so jovial.   

"Special needs parents are blessed," Chris Green said. "I know some that have come and moved into Smith County, Tyler so they could go here. There's not too many cities that have a facility like this."

Brooke Parker, director of the program, has watched students blossom during the 21 years she's worked there. 

"Some of our students start as young as three years old," Parker said. "So to be able to watch them grow and progress and make it to their day of graduation is just such a wonderful experience."

The education doesn’t stop once they graduate. Students in the program have options ahead of them to support students like Jesus Segura Avalos. His father Luis Segura expressed his emotions in Spanish while his son Irvin Segura translated in English. 

"He says that when we first got here to the U.S. (Jesus) didn't really know how to walk and there was programs for him that would help," Irvin Segura said. "So he would be on the floor and crawl, but throughout these programs that help him walk they helped him develop his leg muscles. He's very happy that there's programs like that."

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