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Tyler ISD to keep with current mask protocols

Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford made the announcement via a video on the district's YouTube page Friday afternoon.

TYLER, Texas — **EDITOR'S NOTE: The above video is from Dec. 2020.

Tyler ISD announced they will keep with current mask protocols.

Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford made the announcement via a video on the district's YouTube page Friday afternoon.

"I'm asking all of of us to continue with the district's current protocols, including wearing a mask to finish this year strong," Dr. Crawford said. "It's not a decision we made lightly. We know many are tired of wearing a mask, I'm one of them. After speaking with our principals, teachers, staff, school board members and medical experts, we agree that this is what is best for our staff and our students. We'll certainly keep looking at the data through the end of the school year and if we can make adjustments to our protocols, we certainly will."

The district's decision comes just three days after Gov. Greg Abbott announced he would be ending the statewide mask mandate and allowing all Texas businesses to open to 100% capacity. The new order goes in to effect at midnight on Wednesday, March 10.

If COVID-19 hospitalizations in any of the 22 hospital regions in Texas get above 15% of the hospital bed capacity in that region for seven straight days, a county judge in that region may use COVID-19 mitigation strategies. However, county judges may not impose jail time for not following COVID-19 orders nor may any penalties be imposed for failing to wear a face mask. If restrictions are imposed at a county level, those restrictions may not include reducing capacity to less than 50% for any type of entity. 

The mask mandate was issued in July 2020 by Executive Order and required all Texans to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth in public spaces in counties with 20 or more positive COVID-19 cases, with few exceptions.

On March 3, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) issued new guidelines. Under this updated guidance, a public school system’s current practices on masks may continue unchanged. Local school boards have full authority to determine their local mask policy.

What are other school district saying?

Longview ISD says the district will continue to require the use of masks at all campuses for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. However, the district says they may consider new COVID-19 protocols this summer.

Longview ISD Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox says the administration will remain in dialogue with federal, state, and local officials about the best processes to follow in the ongoing fight against this global pandemic.

"Longview ISD will likely revisit this issue with our board each month, and possibly modify existing policies for the 2021-22 school year at some point this summer," he said. "But for now, we're going to finish this school year under the current protocols, and continue to make data-based decisions going forward."

Marshall ISD says the district will continue to require that all students and staff wear face coverings in accordance with the protocols that have been in place all year on campuses.

Tyler Junior College will also continue its current health and safety COVID-19 protocols.

"At this time, with the health and safety of our students, employees, and communities remaining a top priority, our current protocols regarding COVID, including a) required face coverings, b) physical distancing, c) appropriate sanitizing, and d) staying at home if not feeling well or if with any symptoms associated to COVID or other illness, will remain in effect until further notice," TJC President Juan E. Mejia said.


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