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Tyler businesses to raise funds for man battling cancer

For just $50, you can sign up to help raise funds for Garrett Pendergast. He recently underwent surgery to remove a grade four malignant tumor in his head.

TYLER, Texas — Are you looking to take a long run or walk this weekend? Do you also want to give back to a good cause?

This Saturday, dozens of local businesses are hosting a 5K fundraiser called "Believe in Miracles" to help a Tyler man battling brain cancer. 

For just $50, you can sign up to help raise funds for Garrett Pendergast. He recently underwent surgery to remove a grade four malignant tumor in his head and is currently continuing treatment.

His fiancé Mallory Fuller, the gym F45 Legacy Trail and multiple Tyler businesses started this fundraiser to help pay for Pendergast's treatments. 

"It's been incredible because we just feel so supported by our community," said Fuller. 

Before Pendergast’s diagnosis, he supported Fuller through her pageant journey then he proposed to her in July 2022.

"I was just so excited to get to spend the rest of my life with somebody as amazing as Garrett," Fuller said.

But now it's Fuller who is stepping up to support her soon-to-be husband through an unexpected journey with brain cancer 

"He had a persistent headache and it wouldn't go away with Tylenol," said Fuller. "It kind of felt more like pressure in his head and then he was also having some right sided numbness."

That’s where the local Tyler businesses come in, sponsoring the 5K where all proceeds will help pay for Pendergast’s treatment expenses.

"Garrett's future sister-in-law, Madison Evans, is a good friend of mine and I saw her posting about it on Instagram," said Alex Ezell, the owner of F45 Legacy Trail. "I just knew that we had to do something."

Ezell said Pendergast’s story touched her heart knowing the 25-year-old’s life suddenly changed. She said at least 10 to 15 businesses are donating their time.

"It's a resources like Tyler Creative Company who's doing all the balloons," Ezell said. "Just Bounce'N is donating a bounce house and then we have a few other sponsors that have donated money going towards the actual event all going directly to Garrett."

Fuller said doctors told Pendergast that his treatments are going incredibly well. With the support of the Tyler community, the couple continues to stay optimistic.

"All the people who are coming out to run, we're just so thankful for all of the support that has been given to us," Fuller said.

"Believe in Miracles" 5-K starts at 10 a.m. at The Coco Bean coffee shop near Legacy Trail. Admission is $50 and you can purchase a shirt for $25 as well as make an extra donation. 

Fuller and Pendergast are still looking forward to getting married at the end of September.

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