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Jury duty to resume in Smith County with safety measures

Safety measures have been implemented to ensure the health and safety of Smith County residents coming to the courthouse for jury duty.

SMITH COUNTY, Texas — Check your mailbox.

Smith County officials have resumed jury trials, and those who receive a jury summons are required to report to the Smith County Courthouse.

Jury trials had been halted for nearly a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

According to Smith County officials, the Texas Supreme Court and the Local Healthy Authority Dr. Paul McGaha gave permission to proceed with jury selection, jury panels were called on, January 26-27, as well as February 1-2.

 “We saw low juror turnout during our first days of jury selection,” Local Administrative Judge, Robert Wilson, said. “We want to get the word out that yes, Smith County is sending out jury summons once again, and that it is safe to come to the Courthouse.”

Smith County District Clerk Penny Clarkston says jury summons have been sent out for every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, through March 17, 2021.

Safety measures have been implemented to ensure the health and safety of Smith County residents coming to the courthouse for jury duty.

Those safety measures include:

  • Limited capacity of 46 people in the Central Jury Room to allow for social distancing.
  • Prescreening potential jurors by taking their temperature.
  • Providing masks, face shields and gloves.
  • Having hand sanitizer in multiple locations.
  • Cleaning often.
  • Food precautions and instructions.

For more information, call 903-590-1660 or visit SmithCounty.com

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