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Smith County judge testifies as trial for commissioner's son accused of hindering meeting begins

He is charged with hindering proceedings by disorderly conduct for a Jan. 2 commissioners court meeting that he was removed from when his speech went off topic.

TYLER, Texas — The trial for Lance Phillips, the son of two Smith County elected officials, began Monday afternoon for accusations of interrupting a Smith County Commissioners Court meeting in January. 

He is charged with hindering proceedings by disorderly conduct in connection with a Jan. 2 commissioners court meeting that he was removed from when he went off topic during the public comment portion of the meeting. The charge is a Class A misdemeanor. 

Following jury selection, the trial began in the Smith County Court At Law with opening statements and later testimony from Smith County Judge Neal Franklin, who was questioned by the state about the Jan. 2 meeting. The defense has not yet questioned Franklin, but they are expected to at some point Tuesday. 

The prosecution on Monday played video of the Jan. 2 meeting, including cutaways of the speaker stand, and then body cam video from the deputy who was standing next to speaker podium as Phillips was speaking.

 The trial is set to resume at 9 a.m. Tuesday with more witnesses. Franklin will return to the stand for cross-examination after Tuesday's commissioners court is finished. 

Phillips is also charged with assault of a peace officer or judge, which is a second degree felony, in connection with an April 2 commissioners court meeting. At that time, he also went off topic during the public comment section. 

During an exchange with each other, Franklin asked Phillips to call him judge in the commissioners courtroom. To which, Phillips responded by saying, "You can call me chosen one, if we're playing pretend." The courthouse deputies then began to apprehend Phillips, who continued to shout, flip off and yell at the judge and commissioners. 

That trial is scheduled for Oct. 8 in the 7th District Court with a pre-trial hearing happening on Oct. 1, according to judicial records. 

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