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Politicians from both sides of the aisle react to death of longtime Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

After the announcement of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's death, condolences poured in from both sides of the political aisle.

HOUSTON — On Friday night, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's family issued a statement announcing the death of the longtime lawmaker.

Jackson Lee was 74.

RELATED: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74, her family announces

Known by her constituents as simply, "Congresswoman," Jackson Lee served the public for more than 30 years.

Last month, Jackson Lee announced she was fighting pancreatic cancer. In a statement at the time of the announcement, Jackson Lee said she was undergoing treatment to battle the disease "that impacts tens of thousands of Americans every year."

RELATED: 'I stand in faith that God will strengthen me' | US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee announces pancreatic cancer diagnosis

Jackson Lee was born on Jan. 12, 1950, in Queens, New York. She served on the Houston City Council from 1989 to 1994 and was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1995.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

After the announcement of her death, condolences poured in from both sides of the political aisle.

Politicians react

Rep. Al Green

Green spoke to KHOU 11 anchors Len Cannon and Mia Gradney after learning of Jackson Lee's passing:

Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia

"Words cannot fully express the impact of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. The word ‘tireless’ gets thrown around in politics, but there’s no one I’ve ever met with that kind of work ethic who could compare Congresswoman Jackson Lee. Her work didn’t only benefit the Houstonians she represented for decades; it helped make our nation better for all Americans. Saying she will be missed is an understatement. My condolences to her family and to all who loved her. Thank you, Congresswoman, for your dedication to our city, county, state and country."

Harris County Precinct 1 Constable Alan Rosen

Texas Sen. Borris Miles

"A leader in our community and nation’s Capital for over 30 years, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was well known for being a fierce champion for the voiceless in our community. 

"Congresswoman Jackson Lee was our fighter for our community, following in the footsteps of Houston political giants, the late Congressman Mickey Leland, Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, and former Congressman Craig Washington. As the people’s champion, she used her commanding voice to fight for civil rights, women’s rights, affordable and accessible healthcare, immigration reform, racial justice, human rights and equality. 

"Congresswoman Jackson Lee never hesitated to lead the charge on issues important to working-class families, the poor and communities that felt forgotten or overlooked. She was the epitome of what it meant to be a servant leader. 

"Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was my friend, mentor and someone I could always call for guidance. Rest in power, congresswoman."

Rep. Colin Allred

Sen. Cory Booker

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez

Gov. Greg Abbott

Rep. Haley Stevens

Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett

President Joe Biden

"Sheila Jackson Lee was a great American.

"I had the honor of working with her during her nearly 30 years in Congress. No matter the issue - from delivering racial justice to building an economy for working people - she was unrelenting in her leadership. 

"Always fearless, she spoke truth to power and represented the power of the people of her district in Houston with dignity and grace. 

"Those character traits established her as a towering figure in our politics. We saw it through her efforts to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, make Juneteenth a federal holiday, reintroduce the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, and so much more. 

"Her character revealed itself time and again, including in her battle against cancer. Her brilliant spirit was unbreakable.

"Sheila Jackson Lee is part of a long line of patriots who delivered the promise of America to all Americans.

"Jill and I send our love and condolences to her family, her constituents, and beloved colleagues of the Congressional Black Caucus.

"May God bless our friend, Sheila Jackson Lee."

Houston Mayor John Whitmire

Texas Rep. Jolanda Jones

Vice President Kamala Harris

"Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was a tenacious advocate for justice and a tireless fighter for the people of Houston and the people of America.
"Her career in public service spanned well over three decades. As a judge in Houston, a member of the Houston City Council, and a member of the United States Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee’s work improved the lives of millions of Americans.
"In the United States House of Representatives, Sheila Jackson Lee distinguished herself as a dedicated advocate for her community, an effective legislator, and a fiercely loyal colleague and friend. To work alongside the Congresswoman was to marvel at her mastery of the legislative process.
"Sheila Jackson Lee was, first and foremost, a leader dedicated to serving the people of her beloved city. She secured critical funding for much-needed infrastructure upgrades, coordinated disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, and helped to stand up testing and vaccination sites during the COVID-19 pandemic. No task was too small so long as it was the right thing to do.
"Congresswoman Jackson Lee was also a national leader. As a champion for women’s rights, she played a vital role in reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, landmark legislation that improved the lives of millions of women and girls across the country. She also authored the law that made Juneteenth a national holiday, a law I was proud to co-sponsor as a United States Senator. She saw what could be—a nation that is more equal, more fair, and more free—and she dedicated her life to realizing that vision.
"Sheila Jackson Lee was a dear friend for many years, and a fellow member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. As a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, I had the opportunity to work closely with her on many issues and to observe her leadership firsthand. She was relentless—one of our nation’s fiercest, smartest, and most strategic leaders in the way she thought about how to make progress happen. There was never a trite or trivial conversation with the Congresswoman. She was always fighting for the people of Houston and the people of America.
"When I called Congresswoman Jackson Lee earlier this week, I conveyed my deep gratitude on behalf of our nation for her lifetime of leadership.
"Doug and I send our prayers to her husband, Dr. Elwyn Lee, her children, Jason Lee and Erica Lee Carter, and her beloved grandchildren, Ellison Bennett Carter and Roy Lee Carter, III."

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass

"Today, our nation lost a tenacious defender of freedom for all.

"Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's spirit touched the lives of millions during her years of service to the people of Houston and the nation. She was a prolific legislator. We worked closely together in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and advanced bills to protect the rights of pregnant women in prison from inhumane treatment and abuse. We also worked together on the successful passage of new trade agreements with the nations of sub-Saharan Africa through the reauthorization of the African Growth and Opportunity Act and collaborated on reforms to the child welfare system as proud members of the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth. The entire Congress could always count on her for sharp legal analysis and blunt assessment of strategy and reality. She was a force to be reckoned with on Capitol Hill and leaves a legacy that will ripple for decades to come.

"Now, after leading a life of tremendous accomplishment to the benefit of so many, she rests. My thoughts are with the Jackson Lee family, her dedicated staff, and the greater Houston area as they mourn this great loss."

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo

Houston City Councilwoman Letitia Plummer

"My heart broke as I learned about the passing of our dear Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee. Houston has lost an icon and a formidable force. Congresswoman Jackson Lee was so much more than an elected official. She was a tireless advocate, a zealous fighter for justice, and a source of inspiration. Her legacy is one of dedication to the causes she believed in, always fighting the good fight with courage and passion.

"The Plummer family and the Jackson Lee family share a profound civil rights history. My father, Matthew Plummer Jr., knew the Congresswoman personally, and her influence was felt deeply in our home. As a child growing up, she was an inspiration to women from all backgrounds, but especially to Black women who saw the her shatter glass ceilings. Her journey and accomplishments showed me that with determination anything is possible.

"Congresswoman Jackson Lee was a local, national, and international humanitarian, acknowledged worldwide for her courageous fights for racial justice, criminal justice, and human rights, with a special emphasis on women and children. Her legislative victories are numerous and impactful, from establishing the Juneteenth Federal Holiday to reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. These accomplishments are a testament to her unwavering dedication to justice and equality.

"As a senior member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, Homeland Security, and the Budget Committee, the Congresswoman used her platform to advocate for policies that aimed to uplift and protect the most vulnerable. Her voice was a powerful force in the fight for freedom, justice, and democracy.

"Congresswoman Jackson Lee's passing is a profound loss for Houston and the nation. She will be dearly missed, but her legacy will continue to inspire all who believe in the principles she championed. Her life's work will forever guide those committed to making the world a better place.

"Rest in Power, Congresswoman."

Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Harris County Precinct 1 Commissioner Rodney Ellis

“My friend, ally, and long-time political partner, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, passed from this world and into the pantheon of legendary Texas leaders. For nearly 30 years, she tirelessly represented the people of her congressional district.

"Through crises and disasters – as well as triumphs – Sheila's ceaseless and unwavering dedication to those she represented served as an inspiration and source of strength to me in my career. She exhibited this dedication every day through her deeds, actions and accomplishments. She was a beloved mother, grandmother, and confidante who leaves behind a legacy of single-minded commitment to our community.

"Holding dear the memory of those who pass before us is the greatest homage we can pay to those we love. And I know Sheila Jackson Lee will dwell fondly in our memories for years to come.”

Former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner

"I am deeply saddened by the death of my dear friend and colleague, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. From City Hall to the Halls of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee has served her constituents well. She has written and passed key legislation and has stood on the floor of the United States House of Representatives speaking passionately for the interests of her district and the country she loved. She has worked with and advised Presidents of our great country, met with global leaders, and has been embraced by world renowned artists. But her work on the ground, in some of the poorest and under-resourced communities; the channeling of billions of federal dollars back to her district; her presence at someone’s bedside, giving words of comfort to families who lost loved ones; her appearances at places of worship and events showcasing the global diversity of our City; and her uncanny ability to be everywhere, working every day for those who needed a champion, made her truly exceptional.

"When she was elected to the United States House of Representatives she stood in the shadow of Barbara Jordan, Mickey Leland and Craig Washington. Without question, she rose to the occasion and served with great distinction. Even if you disagreed with her politics, you had to respect her work ethic. We can honestly say Sheila Jackson Lee left it all on the field. Rest in peace my sister. Thank you for all you gave us.  And, thank you to her family for sharing her with us.  We will not forget her sacrifice or yours.  Sheila – to God be the glory for the good you have done. It was truly a job well done!"

Sen. Ted Cruz

Rep. Wesley Hunt

"It is with profound sadness that I acknowledge the passing of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a devoted leader, a proud-fellow Houstonian, and someone who I was proud to call a friend.

"Although we had our political disagreements, there were many moments with her, both public and private, that showed me that bipartisanship and service to country first can still bring members of Congress together.

"In these divided times, Congresswoman Lee and I were able to partner on several legislative initiatives for the city of the Houston. Her steadfast commitment to serving the people of Houston and her tireless work have left an indelible mark on our community and our nation.

"Her legacy of dedication and compassion will continue to inspire us all. Emily and I extend our thoughts and prayers to her family and loved ones during this difficult time. She will be deeply missed, but her spirit will forever live on in the hearts of those she touched and those she served."


CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad

“To God we belong and to Him we return. Representative Jackson Lee was a civil rights icon and a great friend of the American Muslim community. She stood in defense of civil rights and defended the Muslim community when it was attacked by bigots and by discriminatory government policies. We have lost a principled and dedicated ally. She will be missed.”

Houston Police Officer's Union

Texas Coalition of Black Democrats Chairwoman Dr. Candice Matthews

"The Texas Coalition of Black Democrats is profoundly saddened to remark on the passing of the Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas. Her Illustrious career was a true calling and her passion for zealous advocacy was continuously evident.

"Sheila Jackson Lee had a profound impact on our community and the state of Texas as a whole. Her unwavering dedication to civil rights, education, and community development were unwavering. Her dedication to justice and civil rights will be deeply missed.

"Through her tireless efforts and steadfast commitment, she has left an enduring legacy that will resonate for generations. Her strong spirit, omnipresence, and exceptional leadership will be deeply missed.

"Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee will forever be remembered and cherished for her invaluable commitment to her constituents, state and country. May we all aspire to be steadfast in our efforts to honor her enduring legacy.

"Rest in Power!"


"Today our nation lost one of its most outstanding leaders, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. 

"We send our prayers and condolences to her family. While we mourn her loss, we also celebrate her life and accomplishments. Congresswoman Jackson Lee was a true champion for justice. She served in the United States House of Representatives for 30 years and always displayed an unmitigated commitment to serve all of us, but particularly the least of us and the disenfranchised. As a congresswoman, she had many accomplishments, including leading the effort to get Juneteenth recognized as a national holiday. With her booming, inspirational voice, Congresswoman Jackson Lee spoke truth to power in Texas and Washington, D.C., and kept her hand on the pulse of Texas’ African- American population. 

"She took to heart the historical nature of the 18th Congressional District and her beloved 3 rd Ward and did all she could to keep it intact during contentious redistricting battles, and in so doing, honoring one of her mentors, the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. She testified time and again about the repeated attempts every decade to diminish the voting power of African-Americans and others in the 18th Congressional District. 

"Just this year, the congresswoman, serving as senior member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, reintroduced the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Congresswoman Jackson Lee also was a leader in the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. She also was a member of the House Committee of Homeland Security. Throughout her career, she championed immigrant rights and pushed back against those who tried to vilify people seeking a better life and DACA recipients. As the Ranking Member of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Maritime and Border Security where she co-authored a bipartisan bill designed to lead to comprehensive immigration reform. 

"Congresswoman Jackson Lee was a conscience in the Congress, moving legislation forward to study deserved reparations for persons of African descent who are descendants of formerly enslaved persons in our country. She stood up for historically black colleges and universities and was a frequent guest and popular speaker on the Texas Southern University campus.

"Acknowledging her accomplishments and service, the Texas NAACP awarded her our highest honor, the Texas Hero Award, several years ago. I am so thankful that we provided her that recognition and thanks in her lifetime. I am proud to have served as her lawyer in redistricting where I observed her work with Congressman Alexander Green, the late Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett, Senator Borris Miles, Senator Royce West and others to make sure that Texas had as many representatives as possible who would represent all of us – especially the least of us. She also worked cooperatively with persons across the aisle, working with Senator John Cornyn to pass her cherished Juneteenth national holiday bill or working with other Democratic Congressperson leaders like Lizzie Fletcher and State legislative leaders like Representative Senfronia Thompson and Republican House Redistricting Chair Todd Hunter to try and restore some of the lost assets from the 18th Congressional District. 

"She was a champion’s champion, afraid of nothing and willing to sacrifice her own well-being to make our State a better place. Congresswoman Jackson Lee was beloved by so many in her district, and across Texas and the nation. She will be sorely missed."

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