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Outdoor workers ensure safety as the heat increases in East Texas

May said as firefighters are working in East Texas, the importance of safety rises with the heat.

TYLER, Texas — Summer has started which means the heat is here to stay.

Because of the heat that East Texas is beginning to experience, outdoor workers are taking extra precautions.

"We have to be very careful that we don’t get our guys overheated or overheat exhausted which is something that can come in, Longview Fire Marshal Kevin May said.

May said as firefighters are working in East Texas, the importance of safety rises with the heat.

"When we go out on fires, they have on the protective equipment. The equipment itself, it is made to keep firefighters safe in an environment where its hot. On the flip side of that it holds the body heat in as well," May said.

He says the work stays the same but how they deal with the work is what changes.

"The hottest part of the day, we rotate our crews so that way they can work, come out, go to rehab, they’re given wet towels, water to drink, they're able to cool off and we get extra crews in," May said.

The work never stops so on the hottest days they spread the workload among other people. Along with spreading the workload, May said there are certain steps firefighters take to ensure safety in the heat.

"Physical activity, the physical exercising gets your body prepared to extraneous environments," May said.

Stonewater Roofing Company says the summer is their busiest time of the year and workers can spend more than ten hours a day in the heat.

"We require that the guys take breaks regularly, spend time in the shade, utilize cooling towels to bring down that body temperature, as well as drinking lots of water," Stonewater Roofing Executive HSE Manager Rick Henley said.

During this time of the year, it’s important to stay hydrated, listen to your body and try to find a cool place, especially when working in outdoor conditions.

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