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Mental Health and COVID-19: Dealing with business stress

With many business owners struggling during this time, CBS19 talk to a UT Health psychiatrist on staying mentally healthy.

TYLER, Texas — Positivity  may seem to be in short supply, especially for business owners struggling from the economic impact of COVID-19.

Dr. Ushimbra Buford, a psychiatrist at the UT Health Science Center in Tyler, says while things are getting better, Americans must keep it up with the social distancing. However, he understands this can be hard on a person’s state of mind.

“It appears to be that we have flattened the curve in a way, but we have to stay vigilant and stay on task with it,” Dr. Buford said, “This is a time to still keep a schedule. If you have children in school, you know that those very important to make sure that their work is being maintained.”

At a time when business owners are hit hard, Buford says they should stay proactive despite the circumstances.

“Part of it is realizing this could not have been avoided, that this was something external. It was outside of their control. But they still can gain whatever mastery they can over the situation. How do you go about that? That's being proactive," Dr. Buford explained. "Calling in and talking with your bank, with your creditors, with the vendors who serve you; explain the situation and try to work out deals where you pay a smaller amount now, or defer payments going forward in the future. Also plan for when the business reopens."

Dr. Buford says plan for business to get easier. In the meantime, he says all people should stay in touch with those around them to pick up on signs of stress.

“Do you become more irritable around family and friends? Do you become more depressed and withdrawn? Understand that that is part of your response to stress and so you’re recognizing it, working on it," Dr. Buford said. "‘Okay, I'm being irritable. Let me not snap on people.’” 

Texas Health and Human Services has a mental health hotline available 24-7 if you need to talk to someone you can call (883) 986-1919.

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