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Louisiana nonprofit helping kids in moments of crisis comes to East Texas

Geaux 4 Kids makes bags with items ready to go when law enforcement officials come upon a child in need.

KILGORE, Texas — A program to help kids going through moments of crisis in Louisiana is moving into East Texas. 

In 2013, KC Kilpatrick started Geaux 4 Kids as an independent, grassroots effort after becoming a foster parent. She learned how stressful the initial 24­ to 48 hours of receiving children into foster care were and how impossible it was to adequately prepare. The organization makes bags with items ready to go when law enforcement officials come upon a child in need. 

Kilpatrick alongside several East Texas and sheriffs from Louisiana welcomed Geaux 4 Kids to Texas with a meeting at Bodacious BBQ in Kilgore. 

Since its start, the program quickly spread to sheriffs departments in 64 parishes in Louisiana and in June of this year, six East Texas sheriff's offices began the program. Now, over a dozen more signed on to receive the the bags. 

"It has a pillow, blanket, backpack, underwear, pajamas, note of encouragement, toiletries, water, snacks, everything that you need for that first 24 to 36 hours while someone is in a crisis situation," she said. 

Webster Parish Sheriff Jason Parker said his office has Geaux Bags ready to give kids who were rescued from dangerous situations. The items in the bags are specific to the child's age. 

"For them to see law enforcement in a positive light with these bags, I think really makes a difference in their lives," Parker said. 

Since 2013, Geaux Bags Has distributed more than 17,000 bags across the state of Louisiana. Since it began in East Texas in June, they have already delivered 500 bags. For more information and how to donate, click here.


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