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Kilgore High School Hi-Steppers drill team celebrates 50th anniversary

Founded in 1973, the KHS Hi-Steppers began with over 40 line members under first-year teacher and director, Janie Terrell.

KILGORE, Texas — The Kilgore High School Hi-Stepper drill team is celebrating their 50th anniversary this weekend. 

This special recognition marks a half a century of dedication, talent and school spirit that will be displayed through an alumni performance this weekend.

Founded in 1973, the KHS Hi-Steppers began with over 40 line members under first-year teacher and director, Janie Terrell. At the time, the team consisted of only juniors and seniors.

Credit: Leah Gorman

An historic alumni performance is set for this Friday night's football game. There will be more than 160 Hi-Stepper alumni in attendance, representing 50 years of the organization. 

The festivities are continuing on Saturday with a luncheon at the Texan Theatre in Kilgore to honor the historic legacy of the Hi-Steppers. 

The Kilgore Bulldogs are facing the Palestine Wildcats for tomorrow nights game at the R.E. St. John Memorial Stadium in Kilgore. The kickoff is expected to start at 7:30 p.m.

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