JACKSONVILLE, Texas — Jacksonville ISD has decided to end remote learning. All students will return to campus on October 20.
Monday, Oct. 19 will now be a student holiday with staff development taking place for staff to prepare to have students return to campuses.
If you are a parent of a remote learner with a medical condition that would prevent them from returning to campus, you will need to provide documentation from a physician to the school nurse or principal so the district can continue to support you remotely.
For students who are quarantined or isolated due to symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test, continue to follow school protocols and return to school on the date given by your campus nurse. JISD will continue to provide remote learning for those who are in quarantine and isolation.
You may contact your student's school concerning any questions about the return to campus. Each campus will be able to offer answers concerning schedules, protocols, and requirements.
Jacksonville ISD Superintendent, Chad Kelly, Ed. D, released the following statement on the return to campus:
"We feel that remote learning has not been successful for the majority of our remote students, and the added burden of a dual-instruction system is not sustainable for our teachers. It is the District’s belief that face-to-face instruction is and remains the best method for a child’s learning and social emotional growth, and we believe this to be in the best interest of all of our Jacksonville ISD students."