TYLER, Texas — With Easter just around the corner, area Easter egg hunts will soon be getting underway. So, grab the kids and the Easter baskets and make plans to hop on over to some of these offerings in the East Texas area.
Easter Bash, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, South Spring Baptist Church, 17002 US 69 S., Tyler. Includes food trucks, bounce houses, games and Easter egg hunt. Information: https://southspring.org/events/ .
Community Easter Egg Hunt, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. April 6, Lindsey Park, 12557 Spur 364 W., Tyler. Children should bring their own baskets. The event will include face painting, jumpers, vendor booths and food trucks. Admission: Free. Information: https://www.cityoftyler.org/ .
Click here to read more from the Tyler Morning Telegraph.