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East Texas jail found non-compliant by Texas Commission on Jail Standards

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards says the jail will be removed from the list as soon as they become compliant.
Credit: Adobe Stock/trahko

SHELBY COUNTY, Texas — An East Texas jail has been placed on the non-compliance list by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards following multiple violations.

According to the most recent report published July 22, 2024, the Shelby County Jail was deemed non-compliant on the following standards:

  • The ANSUL system in the kitchen was last inspected in July 2023. This places the bi-annual inspection of the ANSUL past due
  • Medication Administration Records (MAR) reviewed failed to show that medication is distributed in accordance with written instructions from a physician.
  • Jail staff failed to notify the magistrate within 12 hrs. in accordance with Code of Criminal Procedure Article 16.22 when warranted by positive returns on the CCQ or affirmative answers on the Screening Form for Suicide and Medical/Mental/Developmental Impairments.
  • During the review of observation checks for the period of April 1, 2024, to April 30, 2024, 30-minute observation checks in areas where inmates known to be assaultive, potentially suicidal, mentally ill, or who have demonstrated bizarre behavior are confined within the facility were observed to be late by 1 minute to 28 minutes.
  • The annual health inspection by authorities was last conducted on January 4, 2023. This places the annual health inspection past due by 6 months.
  • During the walk-through of the facility, exposed wiring was observed in inmate housing B, E, K, and vestibule IJ. The lights in cell G-3 were inoperable and inmates reported that the lights had not worked for a long period. There was no water at the sink in cell E-3.
  • Administration was unable to provide a valid food handlers license for staff working in the kitchen while food is being prepared. 
  • Records reviewed for inmate recreation for the month of April 2024 failed to show that inmates are allowed one hour of supervised physical exercise or physical recreation at least three days per week. Additional records were reviewed for the months of March 2024 and May 2024. These records also failed to show that inmates are allowed one hour of supervised physical exercise or physical recreation at least three days per week.

The TCJS says the jail will be removed from the list one they are found to be compliant.

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