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Earn your stripes over Spring Break at Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary

Tiger Creek is open from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., seven days a week.

TYLER, Texas — Spring Break is here! So, what does that mean for you and the kids? 

It's more time to spend together, and yes even do some learning over the week away from school.

"We want people to come out and learn about our animals, learn about their stories and their conservation," said Natasha Chab with Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary.

Tiger Creek has a variety of rescue animals from baby squirrels, that were just saved in the ice storm, to big cats such as tigers and lions.

While you may want to pet these exotic animals — Tiger Creek employees say safety comes first!

"We don't do hands on with any of our cats," Chab said. "Safety is our main concern and our comfort, the health and safety of our animals in our main concern. Out here, it's just not for the public to pet a cub that's not why we are here. And we want people to understand that these guys aren't pets, They probably were at some point and that's why the end up here in a rescue for a reason."

But don't let that stop you from making the trip. You won't be able to pet and play with these majestic animals, but you will get to see them up close and personal.

"Come out here and enjoy their beauty, their majesty, but also recognize they are wild animals and they deserve a place like this to live and not be in somebody's house," said Chab.

Be sure and say "hello" to all of the animals, because they will definitely say "hello" to you.

Tiger Creek is open from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., seven days a week. 



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