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Candidates for Texas' Congressional District 1 receive major endorsements

Both county republican and democratic chairs share insight on what this means for the future of these campaigns.

TYLER, Texas — Two endorsements came out from major political figures for both candidates running for Congressional District 1 here in East Texas. 

On Monday former President Donald Trump endorsed Smith County Judge Nathaniel Moran. Then on Tuesday democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke endorsed Moran's challenger Jrmar "JJ" Jefferson. 

Both county republican and democratic chairs shared some insight on what this means for the future of these campaigns. 

"You always want the endorsement of any elected official," said David Stein, chairman of the Smith County Republican Party. 

A statement from former President Trump said, “As the judge of Smith County, Nathaniel is a proven conservative who knows how to lower taxes, grow the economy, and create jobs. He strongly supports our brave law enforcement and veterans, election integrity, secure borders, and our under siege Second Amendment.”

Judge Moran responded and said, “It is an honor to receive this strong endorsement. I'm proud to be recognized for my conservative values that represent my home, East Texas. Thank you, President Trump, for this endorsement.”

"I would expect him to have done that," Stein said. "This is a 70% republican area and so any democratic candidate in this area, it's just by the numbers, is going to have a difficult time. So I would have expected him to do that."

Then on Tuesday democratic candidate for Texas Governor Beto O'Rourke announced his endorsement for Jrmar Jefferson.

"I got word two weeks ago that I will be endorsed and I was excited," Jefferson said. "Then I was even more excited in Longview when I spoke and Beto said afterwards on camera, 'I'm standing behind Jrmar because he's the hardest worker that I know.'"

"We're hoping that people start looking at it and saying, you know, this may be the people's choice," said Hector Garza, the chairman for the Smith County Democratic Party. "We do know that it's a deep red county. But again, by having the endorsements that he has, now it becomes a people's choice."

Jefferson has yet to get an endorsement from any presidential leaders like Moran but he is calling for it. 

"Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and Kamala Harris, we need to bring the democratic mic to East Texas," Jefferson said.

Unfortunately CBS19 did not get to interview Moran on Tuesday. His campaign manager said he had an event to attend. But, CBS19 is in the works of possibly interviewing him on Wednesday to hear more from the candidate.

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