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I LOVE YOU 'SNOW' MUCH: 2021 winter storm leads to wedded bliss for East Texas couple

Ryan and Casey Miller spent nine days snowed-in without water during the February 2021 winter storm after knowing each other for only two weeks.

TROUP, Texas — This Valentine's Day is will be extra special for one East Texas couple as they’re about to celebrate their one year wedding anniversary. Getting there wasn’t easy, but for Casey and Ryan Miller it was fun. 

"I was actually brave and I messaged him first and I said how beautiful his eyes were," said wife Casey Miller. 

It was that message that sparked a new beginning for the Millers – a beginning that almost ended quickly.

"I didn’t really care about Facebook dating at all – just like any app because I was planning on moving," husband Ryan Miller said. 

The couple decided to move things forward onto their first date at Boards and Bites. 

"After that night I was like this is a problem. All my plans of moving just went out the window," Ryan Miller said. 

Their first date was a hit! They started hanging out more and more. Two weeks after their first date, Casey was over at Ryan's apartment when it started to snow.

 "We looked outside, I was walking her out the door and I was like well you can’t go," said Ryan. 

Little did they know that the 2021 winter storm was going to freeze their love in time for years to come and an adventure was at hand.

"We walked up and down Grande (Blvd). in the trees and what not. (We) spent like $40 on snacks. So then we got our snacks hiked the way back. Our shins were very sore from stomping in the snow," Casey Miller said. 

As they walked back to their place, they notice a near-by fire hydrant was busted. As they went inside their place, they found out they had no water. 

"You get real close. We had to get real comfortable real quick. It was no longer a matter of, 'oh I’m shy.' No, I need to be able to wash my armpits," Casey Miller said. 

It wasn’t a desirable moment -- nine days without water. However, it tested their relationship, just knowing each other for only two weeks at that point.  

"It was a very fun and kind moment at the same time. He went out of his way to take care of me to make me coffee and breakfast in the morning," Casey Miller said. 

For those seeking relationship advice, the key just may be in the snowy story.

"The balance between giving and taking and what it really means to be a partner," Ryan Miller said. "Not everyone is going to be perfect every day. We certainly weren’t those nine days." 

After that, their love was secure. Ryan and Casey Miller got engaged a couple of months after that and got married in February of last year.

"I think that’s what helped us move together so soon, because we said we can do it," Casey Miller said. 

Soon, they'll be taking an anniversary trip to Oklahoma, the same place they had their honeymoon. 

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