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Diabetes cases on the rise in East Texas

An East Texas diabetes educator is starting to see patients in their early 20s being diagnosed with the disease.

TYLER, Texas — The month of April is Defeat Diabetes Month, which hopes to combat a disease that continues to grow as a national health epidemic. 

According to an East Texas expert, about 11% of the United States population is living with diabetes -- with type two diabetes doubling over the past 20 years. 

Experts say diabetes is starting to impact children, teens and young adults. Diabetes Educator with UT Health East Texas Marci Wright said she's starting to see patients in their 20s being diagnosed. More specifically -- she's seeing growth in East Texas between the age range of 19-44.

"The American Diabetes Association recognizes that we need to start screening earlier," Wright said. "Just last year they changed the recommendation to universal screening at yearly physicals starting at age 35 and older."

Wright says obesity has also doubled in the last 20 years and could connect to the rise of diabetes in younger adults. She said there are multiple risks that sets you up for developing the disease. Being age 35 or older, having family members who have diabetes, having gestational diabetes in a pregnancy, or being a certain ethnicity in in East Texas. 

Wright said African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans in this area are at higher risk. 

"The most important thing that anyone can do if they're looking to prevent diabetes, is if you're overweight, it's a seven to 10% weight loss," Wright said. "Which for many people that may be as little as 15 to 20 pound weight loss."

Other ways include changing your diet like intaking less sugar, portioning your food and adding more vegetables to your meals, and lastly stepping up your physical activities. 

"You could even set a timer on your phone and walk 10 minutes up and down a hallway or march in place in front of the TV for 10 minutes," Wright said. "It counts movement counts and movement helps."

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