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Voters express their perspective on Chapel Hill ISD $125 million bond

"They have not had a bond election since 2007 and the facilities are in dire need of an upgrade and replacing in some respects."

TYLER, Texas — The first day of early voting for the May 7th election began Monday, April 25th. The May ballot includes many propositions and bonds from school districts. 

For Smith County, voters will see Chapel Hill's $125 million bond in this year's May ballot.  

School officials have been educating the public on the importance of knowing the facts of the bond and it's impact it could have on the district.  

"That's what we've been working on for the past few weeks, is just making sure we meet with every community member and we're reaching everybody and just letting them know facts and impact this possible bond can have,"  Belen Casillas, communications director for Chapel Hill ISD said. 

Some voters feel the bond is out of the city's budget and believe in smaller bonds to advance the school district.  

"We have to have smaller school bonds and live within our means here,"  Allen Martin, Smith County Voter said. "I think it's way too high for us were a small community and we're not that rich and we just don't have that kind of money around here."

While others feel the opposite and believe the bond is timely needed. 

"They have not had a bond election since 2007 and the facilities are in dire need of an upgrade and replacing in some respects," Paul Welch, Organizer for Bulldog Strong said. 

If passed, the bond would help to renovate all six schools within the district and would add a new multi-purpose activity center. It would increase property taxes from 11 to 34 cents. 

Some voters see that increase as an investment rather than a financial burden.

"We knew this was an investment for our students and it's been a long time since we've done a bond issue," Welch said. "We have the lowest tax rate in the county, so we need to make this investment in order to give our students and teachers the tools they need." 

Early voting begins April 25th until May 6th. Election day is scheduled for May 7th. 

Click here to learn more about where to vote and what's on the ballot. 

To learn more on Chapel Hill ISD's ballot and how it could affect your property taxes click here

RELATED: LIST: Where to vote, what's on the ballot in East Texas for May 7 election

RELATED: MAY 7 ELECTION: What school bonds are on the ballot?

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