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East Texas backpack program helps feed students over the weekends

With the rise of inflation, several backpack programs have seen an increase of students enrolling in these programs.

TEXAS, USA — Backpack programs are seeing an increase of students enrolling in the program to receive free meals for the weekend across East Texas.

Longview ISD has seen a 30% increase in students enroll in their backpack program as inflation continues to rise. Longview ISD is providing over 1,600 students with backpacks filled with breakfast and lunch for the weekend.

"We began sending home things that students liked. We have some really good contacts at the campuses who are on the alert. They provide, they make sure that those that need it, get it," Child Nutrition Director at Longview ISD, Phyllis Dozier said.

The need for more meals continues to grow.

"Parents are more strapped for funds to provide. It's another opportunity to Make it easier on parents a little bit easier on parents and the students are hungry," Dozier said.

The East Texas Food Bank also operates a separate backpack program for 55 school districts across East Texas. The food bank said this year they’ve seen a 25% increase.

"The prices of everything are up so that translates to food and people are having to make hard decisions," said Blake Huguen ETFB Program Director.

Huguen adds this is a way to help bridge the meal gap over the weekend.

With 87% of Longview ISD’s students receiving free and reduced meals, this is another opportunity for them to keep their students nourished.

Dozier said that food drives, donations, and district funds help provide meals for the backpack program.

"Do I know right now if the money that I have is going to last till the end? I don't know, because we are already so far ahead of the number that we were at this time last year," Dozier said.

By the end of the year, she expects to spend more than 2,000 students home with a meal.

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