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East Texas firework stands see increase in sales ahead of Fourth of July

Firework stands see a blast in sales days leading up to the Fourth of July.

BULLARD, Texas — The Fourth of July is one of the most patriotic holidays. East Texas families hit the lake, grill out and set off fireworks. 

People are gearing up to celebrate Independence Day by shopping at local firework shops like MPA Fireworks in Whitehouse. 

The business is just one of many stands for East Texans to purchase fireworks. 

Owned by Mike and Pam Adams, their business has helped serve in firework shows and events like Blast Over Bullard for many years.

Pam Adams said their business sees a 70% increase in sales days leading up to the Fourth of July.

"The first six or seven days, it's not very busy, but the last three or four days, it kicks in," Adams said. "That's where most of our sales come from, so it keeps us busy." 

Another firework stand that stays busy is Pine Tar Fireworks in Bullard. It's a veteran and faith-based business that was just established this year and is already seeing a boost in sales. 

"It's just a great opportunity to serve the community on this side of town, and we look forward to people stopping by," said Larry Truman, co-owner of Pine Tar Fireworks. "We begin to see an increase in sales as time goes by, so advise people don't wait and don't delay because we're already selling out some of our top packages." 

Local law enforcement agencies are urging people to practice safety, whether you're celebrating the Fourth of July at home, at a friend's house or at a community firework show. 

"Be careful with your outdoor fires, be careful with your barbecuing, this Fourth of July," said Longview Fire Marshal Kevin May. "If you live in an area that allows fireworks, just be proactive and be responsible." 

Click here to learn more about the upcoming Fourth of July event happening this week. 

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