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East Texas school districts open doors for linemen to rest, cool off

"It's just a small thing that we can do to give back to people that are in return trying to help us."

TEXAS, USA — The efforts to restore power across East Texas continue as hundreds of linemen work around the clock.

"From damaged transformers to broken poles and powerlines and the weather, as you can tell, has been extremely hot," said linemen Rafael Lugo. "We've lost count of how many we've fixed so far."

While Lugo and other linemen work to restore power in Gilmer, their options on a place to stay are limited due to many hotels being booked. 

A few East Texas school districts like Mount Pleasant and Gilmer ISD, have opened their facilities for linemen to rest and cool off after a long day's work. 

"Issues like what we've had now with the weather, we've always offered our facilities up to anybody that needs to come here and use the facilities," said Mount Pleasant ISD superintendecnt Judd Marshall. "They can come into the gym, get a shower to try to cool off, bring something to eat and have a place to put their head down at night." 

At Gilmer ISD, the district has opened its facilities for linemen to sleep, eat and wash their clothes to prepare for the days ahead. 

"That's what we're here for," said superintendent for Gilmer ISD, Rick Albritton. "This is a civic-minded community, so when they ask for help, we respond and it works the same way when we ask for help, they respond." 

While the work to restore power may not be done yet, neither is generous hospitality provided by East Texans. 

"Everyone has been lending a helping hand," Lugo said. "In the middle of the day, people will come out and give us water and power aid which is helping our linemen to stay cool and hydrated, so it's a big plus." 

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