"Nothing comes in a closed hand. And so nothing comes in and nothing goes out. And I think it's important that we open our lives and our hands," Director of Marketing for Caring Transitions, Hilde Taylor, explained.
Her caring spirit is just one of the many reasons why she has touched so many lives here in East Texas, also making her so remarkable.
"Thank you to all the elderly in East Texas that have blessed my life," Taylor added. "They are the ones that make it so joyful to do this."
For years, Taylor has worked with Caring Transitions, providing a support system to help the elderly move into a new phase in their lives.
"When they have to make a transition from their home to a facility or to a smaller home from a larger home, we are there to make that a joy and make that pleasant and make it so that they don't feel lost," Taylor added.
Taylor, who was recently diagnosed with cancer, has spent her life serving the community and putting others first.
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I feel that everybody has their thing everybody has to walk," Taylor said.
Despite life's difficulties, Taylor says she'll continues her journey with a giving heart.