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'School is Cool' drive-thru event set for Aug. 6 in Tyler

'School is Cool' gives away 2,000 backpacks to students in need. It will take place on August 6, from 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. in Tyler.

TYLER, Texas — Even in the midst of a pandemic East Texas students are getting ready to head back to the classroom. That means it’s time to think about school supplies.   

Whether a student is going back to school virtually or in person, school supplies are still a necessity. The City of Tyler and the Tyler Area Business Education Council are hosting the annual "School is Cool" event in Tyler on Thursday. This year it’s going to be held as a drive-through. 

‘School is Cool’ will take place on August 6, from 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. at the Harvey Convention Center.

There are 2,000 backpacks that will be given away for free. In previous years, organizers have seen people arrive hours early to get a backpack, but this year they said that won’t be necessary. 

“Now that we're up to 2,000, and we really haven't, you know, been stressed out to the point like, oh my goodness, we're not gonna have enough backpacks, every year for the past three years, we have had enough backpacks for every single child that has come through this facility,” Leanne Robinette, co-chair for the event, said. 

Each backpack will hold regular school supplies, but no coronavirus-related items such as masks.  

Due to COVID-19, they will not be holding immunizations and free hair cuts like they have in years past. 


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