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Video of police officer shooting dog raises concern in Hawkins

After body camera footage was released, some in Hawkins began raising concerns about the incident.

HAWKINS, Texas — There's some controversy brewing in Hawkins after a police officer shot and killed a dog.

The incident happened on May 2 near the intersection of Humble and Estelle Streets.

Hawkins PD said in a press release, the officer was “flagged down by a citizen who reported a pack of dogs running loose," and that “one of the dogs exhibited aggressive behavior towards the officer, lunging and barking aggressively."

After body camera footage was released, some in Hawkins began raising concerns about the incident.

"It’s heartbreaking watching that. That’s somebody’s pet that got shot for what looks to be like no apparent reason except for it was barking, wagging its tail the whole time," an anonymous Hawkins resident said.

Mayor Deb Rushing said the issue will be on the agenda at Hawkins’ next city council meeting Monday, May 20.

"I hope as many people will come as that’s been calling in and maybe we can do something about this," the resident said.

The mayor pointed out that an interim chief is in place at the department currently, and she's calling for a permanent hire.

"We need to start putting out applications, and we need to start taking resumes for that position," Rushing said.

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