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White Oak Lions Club hope to gain new members to continue operations

At its peak, the club had between 20 and 30 members. But that number has shrunk significantly.

WHITE OAK, Texas — Lions Club International is a international organization with more than 1 million members across the globe. Their goal is to improve the health and well-being of locals, strengthen communities and support those in need. 

The White Oak branch of the organization has done that for 66 years, but they’re worried they soon won’t be able to continue.

"You just need people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and step in and do some good," Lori Ferguson, secretary for White Oak Lions Club, said. "A lot of our members are getting older it’s harder for them to get involved. It just seems like we need to get some younger new blood in the group just to keep it going."

The club boasted up to 30 members at its peak, but that number has shrunk significantly.

"We have probably about seven active members that actually come and help," Nikki Faircloth, the club's treasurer, said.

The White Oak Lions Club is responsible for facilitating numerous community services in the city. Apart from running the food bank, the club also provides eye exams and glasses for economically disadvantaged kids, awards scholarships to White Oak ISD seniors and charters the local Boy Scout groups. With the groups dwindling numbers, however, these services could become unavailable.

"If the club can’t pay for those things, then we can’t help out," Faircloth said. "We can’t do it with the numbers we have, we can’t continue all the good work we’ve done."

To raise money for their work, the club holds two fundraising events every year. Their annual barbecue chicken event regularly brings a boost to the club’s operations. But with numbers dipping lower and lower, they’re not sure they can even hold it this year.

"Not every member can be there for every event,"  Faircloth said. "And if we have one or two people that can’t make it then we’re in serious trouble."

If you’re interested in joining the club, you can reach them on their White Oak Lions Club Facebook page.

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