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Hawkins City Council takes action to begin search for permanent police chief

Now that the search has become official, Mayor Rushing mentioned it could be as soon as two or three weeks until job candidates are identified and eventually hired.

HAWKINS, Texas — On Monday, the city of Hawkins held a city council meeting to address hiring a full time police chief. 

This comes after Mayor Deb Rushing saw a video of a Hawkins police officer shooting and killing a dog in the street. After fielding calls from upset residents, Rushing decided to bring the subject of searching for a new chief to the council.

"It’s not just my conclusion, I’m listening to the community. That’s my job. I’m obligated to give information to the community, and then I want to hear their opinions," Rushing said.

Community members opinions were heard in the meeting Monday night, as well as the opinions of the councilmembers, who then agreed to begin accepting applications for a new full-time police chief.

"I did not agree with putting a resident chief in for six months because I think we need to expand our horizons, and like she said cast a net. And see what’s out there to hire for it," Norma Ogelsby, a Hawkins resident, said.

With the search official, Rushing said it could be as soon as two or three weeks until potential candidates are identified and hired.

"I’m eager for the councilmen to see the resumes and to be able to go over. It’s amazing to me that there are still good cops that want to work in small towns and make it a better place," Rushing said.

Interim Chief Eric Tuma will remain at his post in the meantime and could become the full-time chief if he applies and gets hired. If not, it could mean an overhaul for the Hawkins police department.

"We have three officers now, or four I’m not sure, and we don’t have 24 hour coverage. Let’s get us a chief in here that knows how to manage our people and work. And build on a police department," Ogelsby said.

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