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Pet adoptions in Longview amid pandemic remain popular

A year into the pandemic and pet adoptions remain popular.

LONGVIEW, Texas — A year ago while the pandemic was in full swing, many families choose to add a new addition to their families. 

"With so many people at home for longer periods of time, more people felt like they could have a companion with them or felt that they could have a companion there with them," Chris Kemper, animal services manager at the Longview Animal Care and Adoption Center, said. 

Kemper says a year into the pandemic and adoptions never really slowed down. 

"We actually adopted out a higher percentage of animals in 2020 than we did in 2019," he said. "Again that's comparing it to what's coming in versus what's getting adopted."

In 2020 pandemic puppies were a common trend. 

"Psychologically people were stuck at home," he said. "Companion animals are one of those things that keep people mentally in a good place."

The Center is known for its creative means of marketing their adoption special and animals through their social media platforms. 

"We're doing a one-day flash adoption event," he said referring to St. Patrick's Day. "We're going to waive all adoption fees for most animals in our facility all day long today."

Kemper says those who are interested in adoption may monitor their Facebook page for adoption specials. 

"Right now we're taking in a ton of animals," he said. "It is puppy and kitten season and the puppies and kittens have started to flood in. Puppies especially we've seen an influx of puppies in the last couple of weeks."

For more information on the Longview Animal Care and Adoption Center you may visit their website by clicking here

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